God in Suffering (Isaiah 53)
Isaiah 53:4-5
4 Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.
By Rachel Huff, LPC-MHSP Temp | HeartLife Counselor
Sometimes, it looks as if God has forgotten us. Prayers seem unanswered, suffering lingers, and silence stretches on longer than we anticipated. We may wonder if He is punishing us or, worse, if He has abandoned us altogether. I have the privilege of sitting with people in their darkest moments, helping them find their way through. And the pain when they feel forgotten or punished by God can be utterly soul-crushing.
Jesus’ suffering on the cross appeared to be defeat. From an earthly perspective, it seemed as if God had turned His back. The suffering was so intense that some claimed God was punishing Him. But in reality, He was orchestrating the greatest miracle of all. The resurrection was on the horizon, but before it could come, there were three days of silence, waiting, and uncertainty after days of beating, mocking, false accusations, and abandonment.
The question then becomes: What do we do in our own times of suffering, abandonment, betrayal, and loss? Where do we turn? And when it feels like the darkness has fully set in, how do we navigate our own “three days”? I remember my own journey in this place—about 15 years ago, when it first became apparent that Abbie had special needs that couldn’t be "fixed" with a little speech therapy and occupational therapy. It was the most grueling emotional, mental, and spiritual season of my life. Yet, it was also essential to deepening my relationship with God and preparing me for greater ministry. It also wrecked parts of my life that needed wrecking.
I prayed for a miracle in this season. God has granted me many miracles in and through Abbie in this season of my life—not the kind of miracles I begged for, but the ones I needed most. He is a miracle Worker who brings miracles. Sometimes, the miracle is visible—restoration, healing, provision. Other times, it happens deep within us: freedom from a lie, the breaking of a stronghold, a peace that replaces years of turmoil. In the waiting, we must remember: God is always working, even when we cannot see.
Are you in that place now—begging God for a miracle, screaming out, wondering if He even sees you?
You’re in good company—no, GREAT company. Jesus has been here. You’re not alone. And the Bible tells us that He is praying for you right now IN HEAVEN.
Rachel Huff, MMFT, MCE, Licensed Brain Health Trainer
Rachel Huff is a licensed brain health trainer and certified marriage coach.
Rachel believes all were created in the image of God and have innate value. The Bible teaches each one of us was created uniquely and with purpose. Because of this, Rachel approaches each individual and couple uniquely, utilizing many therapeutic approaches and tools. With Rachel’s background in health and wellness, as well as counseling, she holds a holistic perspective on how she sees and helps her clients. Rachel has been teaching on the Bible, health and wellness, marriage, and mental health in churches and the community for the past two decades.